Magical Girl (Mahou Shoujo - 魔法少女) Wiki
Magical Girl (Mahou Shoujo - 魔法少女) Wiki
Nerima Queen
Nerima Queen introduction
General Information
Type: Show within a Show
Appear On
Tittle Compiler

ECCHI WARNING: This Magical Girl may contain nude scenes and some scenes may refer to sexual themes. The level of it depends on the Show. Be careful about this.

Concept / Plot[]

Nerima Queen transformation pose

"Nerima Queen" is a magical girl show that only exists inside the "Compiler" real anime. Only a scene of this show is shoen and we don't know much information about it. Nerima Queen is a

Nerima Queen speech

girl that can transform into a radish magical girl warrior thanks to her bracelet. The words to transform are "Nerima Power, Maximum Force!" and in the middle of her transformation she says "Radish Flash". In the scene, she transform to fight a monster that eat radishes. They have a fierce battle, but she manages ti defeat him making him explode with a white sword.

Appearance in Compiler anime[]

  • Nerima Queen with her sword
    Compiler Festa OVA
    : Nachi is watching in the TV a scene of Nerima Queen: She transform to fight a monster that eat radishes. They have a fierce battle, but she manages ti defeat him making him explode with a white sword.

Picture Gallery[]
